Ser Elfax Cahain

Knight of the Fury

Malboro | EST

Friday-Sunday between 9pm-11pm
I am not available every week


Name: Elfax Cahain
Race: Elezen | Ishgardian (Wildwood)
Class/Job: LNC: 34
Occupation: Temple Knight of Ishgard
Age: 27 Years Old
Gender: Male | He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 6' 8.5'' | 204.4 cm
Hair: Blueish-Purple, often done in a plait that hangs over his left shoulder. Undone it spills down his shoulder blades.
Eyes: Bright orange-gold
Skin: Warm tan, medium tone.
Likes: Coerthan Tea, singing, listening to rain
Dislikes: Dishonesty, violence for the sake of violence
Other: His chocobo is named Valiant


Born originally in Coerthas, and a Knight of the Fury, Ser Elfax Cahain is a ward of Ser Gressont de Celvant, a Lord of Ishgard's minor nobility. When he was only five years old he was left in the care of Gressont and his wife Luleane by his birth parents who he never saw again. He considers Gressont as a father to him, and would name him as such if asked, despite keeping the Cahain surname.It was always an expectation that Elfax would become a knight, both by the legacy left by his mother and by Ser Gressont, who was a Paladin before he retired. Elfax took to the spear like he was born for it.Now, Elfax has moved far afield of the homeland he loves so much, seeking answers. After a battle with a Dravanian, he has been plagued by migraines, fainting spells, and visions, the cause of which is a mystery. As his new ailment is usually triggered often by places and people, staying in Ishgard became overwhelming, and he currently lives in Gridania, planning to return home when he better understands and can manage bearing the Echo.

RP Hooks


If your character is also from Ishgard or has strong ties there, they can probably make fast friends with Elfax. He will be particularly interested in stories and news from visits more recent than the last time he was there.


Eager to hear from and send messages back home, Elfax might well have need of somebody willing to travel to Ishgard and deliver a letter or package.


If you have a mind to do so; Elfax will accept an invitation to a tea party. He is willing to socialize and such an event is an easy way to go about making friends.


A former choir boy, Elfax loves to sing, though he usually only does so inside cathedrals or somewhere with unexpectedly pleasant acoustics. Feel free to sing along with him. Likewise, if he overhears somebody singing, he'll be interested and investigate.


As a melee DPS class, Elfax is willing to train or spar with anybody who wants to. Whether that person is also a melee DPS or not.


Other Player Characters

Meara Dorne:
A healer who found Elfax after an injury, Elfax trusts Meara with his life. He appreciates her openess and honesty, and would go to lengths keep her safe. They made a deal to keep in touch when they are apart and write letters to each other.
N'Rhabye Tyatu:
A spirited Miqo'te who speaks freely, N'Rhabye met Elfax when she tried to evict him from a sacred clearing in the Twelveswood. After a fair number of misunderstandings they became fast friends when it was revealed Elfax had no interest in poaching.

Same-Player Characters

Esenne de Bremarie:
An Astrologian and the daughter of minor nobility in Ishgard, Esenne is one of Elfax's childhood friends. They have had a mutual crush on each other for years, but never actually took the leap of faith. Now that Elfax has left Ishgard they send letters to each other to keep in touch.

non-Player Characters

Near the Coerthan/Gridanian border, Valiant stepped wrongly and tumbled, throwing his rider and injuring himself. That's how Elfax first met Luquelot, the chocobo stablemaster in Gradania who originally hails from Ishgard. He took care of Valiant and nursed him back to health, which Elfax is extremely thankful for. He feels a strong connection with Luquelot given the help and the fact that they are from the same place.

Because I am a sprout still stuck in ARR Hell, as well as the nature of the process of dyeing chocobo plumage: Valiant's in-game color is currently yellow rather than the more accurate Ishgardian Black. I've decided to make it canon. He must of gotten hold of a lemon during his stay with Luquelot... I'll fix it someday.

Out of Character

- I am 21+ and prefer my RP partners are too.- I enjoy intense themes, but am open to many kinds of RP.- I won't be very active. I am reasonably introverted, and I have just, so many other things going on in life, so unfortunately I cannot dedicate an awful lot of time to FFXIV.- I am Queer! I will not tolerate blatant transphobia or homophobia. There is a difference between playing a naïve character (or being unaware), and being blatantly disrespectful.- I try to be open and honest, and want to be approachable. So if you ever find yourself made uncomfortable during RP please feel free to reach out OOC ★- I try to write Elfax as very polite and is trained in the etiquette sensibilities of Ishgard. Sometimes it takes me a while to get my words in order.- Elfax is not available romantically. Your character may flirt with him if you want to; but do so only with the understanding that he will decline and this will not change.- I will not engage in ERP. I have nothing against it, but I would only consider engaging in the activity with somebody I know well and trust implicitly. Nothing personal!


Using this on hair option 3.